Download MongoDB from
MongoDB connection with PHP(XMPP) for windows
1) Install MongoDB.
2) open cmd with the administrator and where MongoDB is installed. when it is installed in C drive ---
3)type in cmd---C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin.
3)Make folder test in d Drive client location
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod --dbpath "d:\test\mongodb data
4) run client
open another cmd with the administrator and run the mongo.exe
1) Install MongoDB.
2) open cmd with the administrator and where MongoDB is installed. when it is installed in C drive ---
3)type in cmd---C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin.
3)Make folder test in d Drive client location
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod --dbpath "d:\test\mongodb data
4) run client
open another cmd with the administrator and run the mongo.exe
5) after that download the latest package from-
6) then open c--> xampp-->php-->ext-->paste all extracted files.
and change one file to 'php_mongo.dll'
and change one file to 'php_mongo.dll'
7) open php_ini and write----
8) set the environment variable in control panel-->system setting->advnaced->set environment variable--paste the path of PHP and then restart the server and check in php ini file mongo.
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