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Showing posts from July, 2019

PHP code for finding distinct elements common to all rows of a matrix in O(n) time complexity

<?php class Matrix{ /** •@param 2D array $matrix • •Prints distinct elements common to all rows of the matrix */ public static function getDistinctElementsCommonToAllRows($matrix){ // A hash map to store count of elements $hashmap = array(); $selectedHash = array(); $rows = count($matrix); $cols = count($matrix[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { // Increment the count of first // element of the row if(array_key_exists($matrix[$i][0],$hashmap)){ $hashmap[$matrix[$i][0]] = $i+1; } // Starting from the second element // of the current row for ($j = 1; $j < $cols; $j++) { ...

Write a function that checks if a given word stored in a doubly linked list is a palindrome.

<?php class Node { public $value; public $next = null; // next node public $prev = null; // previous node public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } } class Palindrome { /** •@param string $word •@return bool */ public static function isPalindrome($head, $tail){ if ($head == null) return true; while ($head != $tail){ if ($head->value != $tail->value) return false; $head = $head->next; $tail = $tail->prev; } return true; } } $head = new Node(1); $firstNode = new Node(2); $secondNode = new Node(3); $tail = new Node(4); $head->next = $firstNode; $firstNode->prev = $head; $firstNode->next = $secondNode;...

PHP code for finding Longest Repeated Substrings (LRS)

<?php Class LRS{ /** •@param array $texts •Prints longest repeated substrings for each text */ public static function getAllLRS($texts){ $stringArr = array(); foreach($texts as $string){ $stringArr[] = self::LongestRepeatedSubstring($string); } return $stringArr; } public function LongestRepeatedSubstring($string){ if ($string == null) return null; $string_length = strlen($string); $substrings = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $string_length; $i++){ $substrings[$i] = substr($string, $i); } sort($substrings); $result = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $string_length - 1; $i++){ $lcs = self::LongestCommonString($substrings[$i], $substrings[$i ...

PHP code for Implementing LRU cache.

<?php interface LRUCache{ /** •@param string $key •@param string $value •@return bool $result • •Stores value against the key in the cache */ public function insertIntoCache($key,$value); /** •@param string $key •@return string $value •Gets the value of a key from the cache */ public function getFromCache($key); /** Purge the entire cache */ public function purgeCache(); /** •@return int $count •Gets the number of successful cache hits so far */ public function allCacheHits(); /** •@return int $count •Gets the number of unsuccessful cache hits so far **/ public function allCacheMissed(); } class Cache implements LRUCache{ // int the max number of elements the cache supports private $capaci...

PHP code to find the diameter of tree in O(n) time complexity

<?php class BinaryNode{ public $value = null; // node value public $left = null; // left child public $right = null; // right child public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } } class BinaryTreeDiameter{ //find the diameter and print its value public function findDiameterOfTree($root){ //Checking node is empty or not if($root === null){ return 0; } // Compute the depth of each subtree $lDepth = $this->findDiameterOfTree($root->left); $rDepth = $this->findDiameterOfTree($root->right); // Return the greater one. if ($lDepth > $rDepth) return $lDepth+1; else return $rDepth+1; } //find the diameter and print its ...