class BinaryNode{
public $value = null; // node value
public $left = null; // left child
public $right = null; // right child
public function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
class BinaryTreeDiameter{
//find the diameter and print its value
public function findDiameterOfTree($root){
//Checking node is empty or not
if($root === null){
return 0;
// Compute the depth of each subtree
$lDepth = $this->findDiameterOfTree($root->left);
$rDepth = $this->findDiameterOfTree($root->right);
// Return the greater one.
if ($lDepth > $rDepth)
return $lDepth+1;
return $rDepth+1;
//find the diameter and print its value
$Dia = new BinaryTreeDiameter(1);
$Dia->root = new BinaryNode(1);
$Dia->root->left = new BinaryNode(2);
$Dia->root->right = new BinaryNode(3);
$Dia->root->left->left = new BinaryNode(4);
$Dia->root->left->right = new BinaryNode(5);
$Dia->root->right->left = new BinaryNode(6);
$Dia->root->right->right = new BinaryNode(7);
$Dia->root->left->left->left = new BinaryNode(8);
//Display the maximum width of given tree
print "Maximum width of the binary tree: " . $Dia->findDiameterOfTree($Dia->root);
PHP mail function and mail configuration in XAMPP and sending mail is done from sendmail through localhost. I hope it will help you. mail() function <? php $to = 'dubeynitish22@hotmail.com' ; $subject = 'Test' ; $message = 'Hello' ; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion (); if (! mail ( $to , $subject , $message , $headers )){ echo "Error !!" ; } else { echo "Email Sent !!" ; } ?> 2. php.ini configuration (For SEND-MAIL) [ mail function ] ; For Win32 only . ; http : //php.net/smtp ; SMTP = localhost ; http : //php.net/smtp-port ; smtp_port = 25 ; For Win32 only . ; http : //php.net/sendmail-from ; sendmail_from = me@example . com ; For Unix only . You may supply arguments as well ( default : "sendmail -t -i...
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